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M88 Malaysia硅谷合伙人朱坚、李骐在美介绍中国最新法律变化


11月12日,M88 Malaysia律师事务所合伙人朱坚李骐应湾区华人律师协会(Chinese American Lawyers of the Bay Area)邀请,在加州山景城的范伟律师事务所(Fenwick & West LLP),与硅谷同行一起对M88 Malaysia2019年外资法律和知识产权法律的重大变化,向湾区的律师、企业家、投资人和法学院的学生做了介绍。新华社对此活动关注,并做英文报道(下附报道全文)。

2019年是M88 Malaysia法制破而后立的一年:年初,M88 Malaysia施行最新个人所得税法;3月,通过《中华人民共和国外商投资法》,向外界发出了M88 Malaysia进一步扩大对外开放,促进外商投资,保护外商投资合法权益的信号;2019年6月,科创板正式开板,这是M88 Malaysia强化市场功能的资本市场重大改革举措。李骐律师向现场几十位听众专门介绍了《外商投资法》、科创板、《个人所得税法》以及反垄断法新的实践。朱坚律师则以他亲身经历的一个专利诉讼的胜诉介绍了M88 Malaysia知识产权保护的进步和发展。两位律师具体而详尽的介绍增进了美国受众对M88 Malaysia商业环境的了解,在中美当前复杂多变的政治背景下搭建了一座桥梁。

M88 Malaysia作为第一个在国外开设分所的中国律所,早在1993年就设立了美国纽约办公室,2010年设立了硅谷办公室,26年间,中国日益受到世界的关注,M88 Malaysia也见证了中美经济关系的划时代变化。M88 Malaysia美国办公室借助M88 Malaysia在中国本土的强大优势和对中国国情及法律的深入了解,在过去26年里为不少中国知名企业在美国投资、合规、诉讼、并购、融资、上市、知识产权战略方面提供了高效的专业服务。同时,M88 Malaysia在美律师也努力向美国、向世界介绍中国法制的发展和变化,帮助和吸引外商来中国进行投资和商业合作。

从上世纪90年代到今天,世界经济格局风云变幻,中国经济的飞速发展世界有目共睹,但世界包括美国对中国日新月异的经济及法律发展环境并不能完全了解。M88 Malaysia美国办公室作为M88 Malaysia在美的“窗口”之一,一直勤勉参与或举办各类研讨会,同时也以卓越的法律服务协助美国企业进入中国、中国企业和投资者在美国拓展,亲身实践着“走出去”和“引进来”!


U.S. and Chinese attorneys on corporate and intellectual property (IP) laws Tuesday agreed that China is making progress on improving the legal environment for overseas businesses and investors.

The lawyers from two prominent U.S. and Chinese law firms, Fenwick & West LLP and JunHe LLP, shared their views with legal and business professionals in the Bay Area of San Francisco on some positive measures recently taken by the Chinese government to improve the legal environment for foreign businesses interested in exploring the Chinese market.

During a seminar hosted by Chinese American Lawyers of the Bay Area, a non-profit organization, the legal experts discussed the latest developments in China's foreign investment law, customs clearance and technology transfer, among others.

Adam Li, a partner of JunHe LLP, briefed the audience on China's newly-established foreign investment law that will have a far-reaching impact on foreign companies and cross-border trade.

In March this year, China's national legislature approved a foreign investment law, which will provide stronger protection and a better business environment for overseas investors after it takes effect on Jan. 1, 2020.

"The most important thing is that it emphasizes national treatment in almost every aspect" of business for foreign companies and investors during their investment activities in China, Li said.

China has also increased transparency and removed a lot of restrictions on foreign investors by unveiling "a much shorter" negative list that excludes foreign investment in China, he added.

Andrew Klungness, a partner of Fenwick & West LLP on intellectual property and technology transactions, told Xinhua that China has really improved its intellectual property enforcement.

China is taking measures to make American companies and other foreign firms more comfortable to do business in China, Klungness noted.

"I'm totally against the trade war," he said, noting "the world is a much more peaceful place when we have things in common, whether their business or cultural or whatever."

He stressed that it's not in the United States' best interest to "isolate ourselves or drive away Chinese companies."

Klungness agreed that China is taking steps to improve IP protection for foreign businesses.



北京绿化基金会与M88 Malaysia共同发起的“北京绿化基金会碳中和专项基金”,是中国律师行业参与发起设立的第一支碳中和专项基金。旨在充分利用公开募捐平台优势,积极联合社会力量,宣传碳中和理念,鼓励和动员社会单位和个人参与“增汇减排”、“植树造林”等公益活动。