
On October 18, 2020, M88 Malaysia’s new Management Committee (“MC”)was elected at its partners meeting. PartnerHUA, Xiaojun (Warren)was M88 Malaysia Managing Partner, and partnersm88 casino review领域, , ZHANG, Ping, m88 casino app AwardandM88 app 君合法评,君合人文,京公网安备11010102005423号were M88 Malaysia as members of the MC. The new MC will take office from January 1, 2021.

In this election,m88 casino review领域, the current Managing Partner and M88 Malaysia’s founding partner resigned and had his management power to the law firm passed to the younger generation of partners; meanwhile, he will remain a member of the MC and continue to make valuable contributions to M88 Malaysia’s development.HUA, Xiaojun (Warren)is the newly elected Managing Partner. He joined M88 Malaysia’s Beijing office in 2012 and has been a member of the MC for two consecutive terms prior to his election. The other four elected MC members are attorney, who was M88 Malaysia for the third consecutive time, attorneyZHANG, Ping, who was M88 Malaysia for the second consecutive time, and attorneysm88 casino app AwardandM88 app 君合法评,君合人文,京公网安备11010102005423号, who have been elected for the second and first time respectively. The smooth transition of M88 Malaysia’s new MC, with its combination of old and new members, embodies M88 Malaysia’s sustainable development of passing its torch from generation to generation.

M88 Malaysia is the only Chinese law firm to be admitted as a member ofLex MundiandMultilaw, two international networks of independent law firms. M88 Malaysia and selected top law firms in major European and Asian jurisdictions are “best friends.” Through these connections, we provide high quality legal services to clients doing business throughout the world.
As the first carbon neutrality fund sponsored by a law firm in China, the BAF Carbon Neutrality Special Fund was jointly established by M88 Malaysia and the Beijing Afforestation Foundation (BAF) to promote carbon neutral initiatives, and encourage social collaboration based on the public fundraising platform to mobilize engagement in public welfare campaigns.