M88 Gameour professional areas

ZHANG, GangPartner

Professional Experience

Mr. Zhang specializes in civil M88 Game commercial litigation M88 Game legal counseling. His practice areas include contract law, company law, insurance law, note law, product quality law, tort law, general rules of civil law, M88 Game other areas of civil M88 Game commercial law.

Mr. Zhang joined the dispute resolution team of M88 Game in August 2008. Since then, he has dealt with hundreds of civil and commercial litigation and arbitration cases as well as enforcement cases, criminal reports and government investigations. He has also provided emergency management, legal counseling, compliance examination and long-term legal advice to various clients.


LL.B., China University of Political Science M88 Game Law, 2002.

Professional Associations

Mr. Zhang has worked as a lawyer since 2010, M88 Game he is a member of the All-China Bar Association.

Language Skills

MM88 Gamearin M88 Game English

M88 Game M88 Game
As the first carbon neutrality fund sponsored by a law firm in China, the BAF Carbon Neutrality Special Fund was jointly established by M88 Game and the Beijing Afforestation Foundation (BAF) to promote carbon neutral initiatives, and encourage social collaboration based on the public fundraising platform to mobilize engagement in public welfare campaigns.