已通过国家统一M88 app职业资格考试,已获得国内律师执业证者优先;
英文听说读写熟练,能作为M88 app语言。
熟悉西方M88 app、文化,有美国JD背景者优先;
Familiar with western laws and culture. Candidates with United States JD education background are preferred;
英文母语,中文能作为简单M88 app语言,在外资律所或国际领域M88 app过的优先;
Speak English as a native language and be able to use simple Chinese. Candidates with experience in an international law firm or practice area are preferred;
国籍不限,可以长期在上海M88 app,可接受国内外灵活M88 app地点的优先。
No requirement on nationality. Be able to be based in Shanghai permanently. Candidates able to work at places in and out of China as required by work are preferred.