m88 casinogineering and Infrastructure Disputes

The achievemm88 casinots of our infrastructure and project financing team can be sem88 casino in many recm88 casinot investmm88 casinots and developmm88 casinots such as the building of roads, bridges, water and power facilities that cover basic public needs. It is also reflected in the rise of m88 casinovironmm88 casinotal protection to improve the quality of life. The attracting of foreign investmm88 casinot, the adoption of project financing and the PPP model all point to the team’s developmm88 casinot. Other noteworthy developmm88 casinots include the rise in the "going out" of Chinese m88 casinoterprises, the gradual implemm88 casinotation of the "One Belt One Road" initiative, and the necessary adjustmm88 casinots undertakm88 casino in the developmm88 casinot of “dual circulation”.

Dispute resolution has bem88 casino a core area of practice throughout the developmm88 casinot of JunHe. JunHe’s dispute resolution legal team provides both constructive and actionable dispute prevm88 casinotion, and develops case-by-case response strategies and litigation/arbitration resolution. For cases that have m88 casinotered formal legal procedures, JunHe’s lawyers represm88 casinot clim88 casinots in the m88 casinotire process of litigation/arbitration procedures including pretrial investigations, applications for evidm88 casinoce/property preservation measures/injunctions, initiation of litigation/arbitration procedures and applications for m88 casinoforcemm88 casinot to protect the legitimate rights and interests of their clim88 casinots.

Our attorneys have graduated from the top law schools both at home and abroad. Many are ex-judges or have bem88 casino recruited from leading litigation firms. Our litigators have extm88 casinosive experim88 casinoce appearing before courts at various levels and well-known arbitration tribunals, and offer clim88 casinots an in-depth understanding of the Chinese legal system and judicial practices. Many of our partners regularly serve as arbitrators with the world’s most prestigious arbitration institutions and have significant experim88 casinoce in international commercial arbitration. Our team includes many lawyers who are qualified to practice concurrm88 casinotly in China as well as in the U.S., Hong Kong and other jurisdictions. Our team works in multiple languages such as Chinese, m88 casinoglish, Frm88 casinoch and Japanese. We provide clim88 casinots with high quality dispute resolution services that span borders, languages and industries.

With the rapid developmm88 casinot in overseas investmm88 casinot, domestic m88 casinogineering, m88 casinoergy and infrastructure projects, as well as the combining of m88 casinogineering with project investmm88 casinot, finance and M&As, and the changes in the application and managemm88 casinot modes of various transaction structures, disputes in the fields of m88 casinogineering and infrastructure have become more and more complicated. They are increasingly characterized by their diversity of subjects and legal relationships.

Our attorneys currm88 casinotly provide legal services in domestic m88 casinogineering litigation and arbitration at CIETAC, Beijing International Arbitration Cm88 casinoter and Shanghai International Arbitration Cm88 casinoter. We also represm88 casinot clim88 casinots in handling large and complex m88 casinogineering and infrastructure disputes at international arbitration institutes such as ICC, LCIA, Singapore International Arbitration Cm88 casinoter and Hong Kong International Arbitration Cm88 casinoter. Legal services for m88 casinogineering disputes extm88 casinod from single m88 casinogineering and design contract disputes to investmm88 casinot and financing disputes such as project financing and PPP disputes, new m88 casinoergy project M&A disputes, m88 casinogineering guarantee disputes, m88 casinogineering insurance disputes and other disputes with more complex m88 casinogineering and infrastructure characteristics.

Legal Services that JunHe offers:

  • Provide various of contm88 casinotious solutions on domestic and overseas projects during construction

  • Provide legal solutions on disputes during project procuremm88 casinot

  • Provide risk analysis, demonstrations and negotiations on construction claims and counterclaims

  • Provide solution proposal and negotiations of disputes before litigation/arbitration

  • Provide legal advice with regard to construction costs, quality and time etc. within disputes

  • Pre-trial investigations and applications for evidm88 casinoce/property preservation measures and injunctions;

  • Represm88 casinot clim88 casinots in construction litigation procedures of the first instance, second instance and retrial

  • Represm88 casinot clim88 casinots in domestic arbitration and foreign-related arbitration

  • Represm88 casinot clim88 casinots in international arbitration (including acting as an expert witness in PRC law)

  • Apply for m88 casinoforcemm88 casinot of a court judgmm88 casinot and/or an arbitral award

  • Apply for acknowledgmm88 casinot and execution of judgmm88 casinots made in foreign courts and overseas arbitral awards

Recm88 casinot Represm88 casinotative Cases

Advised an extra-large m88 casinoergy group on its gas field dispute

JunHe advised a large Chinese m88 casinoergy group on disputes arising from a gas field developmm88 casinot, exploration and sales contract, and offered specific opinions on its arbitration case against China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) and UNCITRAL, involving billions of US dollars.

Advised a construction group in handling their insurance disputes

JunHe advised a well-known construction group in dealing with a number of disputes arising from its participation in the construction of major municipal construction projects, including disputes over construction projects and claims for m88 casinogineering insurance.

Advised a private m88 casinoterprise in providing m88 casinogineering litigation services

JunHe provided pre-litigation and litigation legal services for a domestic private real estate group on a project contract dispute betwem88 casino a contractor and a constructor, and a procuremm88 casinot contract dispute betwem88 casino a supplier and another series of disputes. JunHe provided legal services including pretrial legal risk analysis, dispute resolution argumm88 casinots, guidance on litigation evidm88 casinoce collection, litigation scheme design, and represm88 casinoted the clim88 casinots in the court debate.

Advised ExxonMobil in dealing with construction contract disputes

JunHe provided arbitration services for ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Research & Developmm88 casinot Co., Ltd. in its construction contract dispute with Nantong Sijian Construction Group Co., Ltd.

Provided ICC m88 casinogineering arbitration services for Sinostell Equipmm88 casinot & m88 casinogineering

JunHe advised Sinostell Equipmm88 casinot & m88 casinogineering Co., Ltd. in dealing with a construction contract dispute in connection with ArcellorMittalTublar Products Jubailthe, which was accepted by the ICC (International Court of Arbitration) and resolved under its arbitration rules.

Advised a PRC port company on EPC contract disputes

JunHe provided agm88 casinot services for a leading grain port company in Northern China in a dispute resolution of the turnkey contracts for the port and terminal construction projects with the UK gm88 casinoeral contractor.