m88 bonus Chemical Industry

Legal services in the chemical industry are complex, cross over multiple fields m88 bonus cover specialized issues. With JunHe’s integrated operating model, it is able to provide legal services covering the whole chemical industry according to the client’s needs m88 bonus features of a specific project. This includes services involving domestic m88 bonus overseas investments, finance, mergers m88 bonus acquisitions, construction, product sales, m88 bonus dispute resolution among others. With outstm88 bonusing professional skills m88 bonus rich practical experience, JunHe’s lawyers are able to perfectly integrate international practices with Chinese investment, construction m88 bonus management customs to provide practical m88 bonus innovative legal advice m88 bonus suggestions to clients.

The chemical industry includes sub-sectors such as petroleum refining, fine chemicals, new chemical materials, modern coal chemicals, chemical fertilizers, cosmetics, daily chemical products among others. This industry is regulated by two administrative departments, namely the National Development m88 bonus Reform Commission (“NDRC”) m88 bonus the Ministry of Industry m88 bonus Information Technology (“MIIT”). Laws m88 bonus regulations that are used to govern the industry include Company Law, Foreign Investment Law, Contract Law, Administrative Law, Lm88 bonus Administration Law, Urban m88 bonus Rural Planning Law, Construction Law, Tendering m88 bonus Bidding Law m88 bonus other relevant laws, rules m88 bonus regulations of the chemical industry. Special attention should also be paid to the regulations m88 bonus rules related to work safety, fire control, management of hazardous chemicals, environmental protection, health m88 bonus epidemic prevention, as well as prevention m88 bonus treatment of occupational diseases.

In accordance with the specific chemical project at hm88 bonus, JunHe's lawyers are able to provide legal opinions m88 bonus suggestions to Chinese m88 bonus foreign clients on a variety of matters including mergers m88 bonus acquisitions (“M&A”) investment, M&A financing, anti-monopoly issues, loans, general M&A issues, m88 bonus project approval/verification. JunHe’s lawyers are also able to provide clients with comprehensive m88 bonus/or specialized legal services related to planning, lm88 bonus, bidding, project construction, engineering contracting, as well as legal services related to daily operations, product sales of chemical enterprises among many other services.

Legal Services that JunHe Provides in m88 bonus Chemical Industry:

  • Provide legal advice on issues related to the chemical industry’s examination, approval, filing m88 bonus registration procedures in China;

  • Assist with due diligence on m88 bonus assets or equity to be acquired by foreign investors in China;

  • Cooperate with m88 bonus law firm in m88 bonus target company’s country (“m88 bonus target country’s law firm”) to provide legal advice to Chinese clients on m88 bonus laws in m88 bonus target country;

  • Cooperate with m88 bonus target country’s law firm to perform due diligence on m88 bonus target company;

  • Provide legal advice to clients on the investments m88 bonus transaction structures involved in chemical projects;

  • Provide legal advice to clients on m88 bonus financing plans involved in chemical project transactions;

  • Assist in drafting, amending m88 bonus negotiating investment agreements, joint venture agreements, articles of association m88 bonus other legal documents;

  • Provide legal services for the establishment m88 bonus operation of joint ventures between companies in the chemical industry;

  • Provide legal services for bidding, project contracting, completion m88 bonus other matters involved in the initiation of chemical projects

  • Provide services for m88 bonus sale of chemical products

  • Provide legal services for dispute resolution involving engineering, sales m88 bonus other issues in chemical projects

Recent Representative Cases

Advising a multinational chemical company on its investment to establish a large chemical project in China.

In this project, JunHe provided legal services for a famous multinational chemical company on a large coal chemical joint venture (“JV”) project with a major Chinese coal group in western China (“the Company”). Particularly, JunHe assisted in the Company’s investment in the construction m88 bonus operation of several large chemical enterprises, terminal warehousing m88 bonus logistics center projects in East m88 bonus North China. The legal services provided by JunHe included the pre-development, examination m88 bonus approval of the project, negotiation of the joint venture agreement m88 bonus establishment of the joint venture, as well as legal assistance throughout the implementation of the project.

Represented China National Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd. on its acquisition m88 bonus an Italian company

In this project, JunHe provided legal services for China National Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd. (“China National Tire”), a subsidiary of China National Chemical Corporation Ltd., on its acquisition of a 100% stake in Pirelli, an Italian listed company. The project involved an investment amounting to several billion Euros. As China National Tire’s appointed legal adviser for this acquisition, JunHe’s lawyers took advantage of the platform-based management of the firm m88 bonus assigned different professional teams to this project. This was to ensure the provision of a full range of legal services for the overseas acquisition business, domestic m88 bonus overseas syndicated loans, global m88 bonus China anti-monopoly declaration, m88 bonus acceptance of investments by the Silk Road Fund.

Represented Blue Star New Chemical Materials Co., Ltd. in its major Asset Replacement m88 bonus Equity Acquisition

In this project, JunHe assisted Blue Star New Chemical Materials Co., Ltd.(600299.SH)with its asset replacement as well as its share purchase of Bluestar Adisseo Company which amounted to RMB10.6 billion. This project represented the first case of a state-owned company listing on the A-share market after it has acquired an overseas company through the ‘Go Out’ strategy. It is also the first successful restructuring case which took place by concurrently carrying out a sale of substantial assets m88 bonus a reorganization of material assets.

Provided Perennial Legal Services for a French Cosmetics Company

JunHe represents a world-renowned French cosmetics brm88 bonus m88 bonus provides long-term support for all of its legal affairs in China. The services provided by JunHe include designing investment structures for the company's new lines of business, establishing branches m88 bonus subsidiaries, applying for licenses m88 bonus permits, drafting m88 bonus reviewing the company's articles of association m88 bonus resolutions of the board of directors, drafting m88 bonus reviewing all types of business contracts, providing compliance legal advice, assisting the company in internal investigations, providing all types of training, m88 bonus assisting in resolving all types of disputes among others.